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“Things I’m Learning to Love” | Juice Fasting

I realize it’s not Thursday, but I wanted to wait until today to write this post!  I embarked on a rather crazy journey this week – if we’re Facebook friends you probably already know what I’m talking about – and there was a lot of interest on Facebook so I figured I’d write a more detailed story here for those who were interested.  Sorry if this is just mindless babble to the rest of you!

After a few weeks of not feeling so great, I decided I wanted to do something kind of drastic to kickstart a journey to better health.  I honestly don’t know where the idea to do a juice detox came from, but I mentioned it on Facebook and a lot of people jumped in with their insight.  So I bought a book, a juicer from Craigslist and a lot of vegetables (all in one day) and got started on Tuesday!  I’ll give a brief description of each day – if you have more questions feel free to leave a comment and I’ll answer them.  But for now I’ll try to keep it brief.

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MONDAY – I bought a great book called “Juicing, Fasting & Detoxing for Life” by Cherie Calbom.  I quickly decided I wanted to try a 3 day juice fast and grocery shopped according to the recipes she had for such a program.  They included lots of cucumbers, celery, romaine lettuce, lemons, ginger root, green apple and carrots.

You have to ease yourself into a fast like this, so Monday I had butternut squash soup for lunch with raw carrots and celery, and then went to a Japanese hibachi grill with Ryan and had the salad, soup and veggies from the grill.  It was hard to resist the chicken and fried rice….soooo hard.  But I had to stay away from meat, so I didn’t have any.  I came home and tried the juicer for the first time and made a “midnight snack”, which wasn’t really like a snack at all.  I went ahead and prepped 2 more juice servings for my first two meals the next day.

TUESDAY – Let the juicing begin!  I quickly learned that despite liking carrots in whole form, I do NOT like carrot juice.  But that’s the main juice in almost each recipe so I had to get used to it.  I was supposed to have 6 different servings of juice each day but could only stomach about 3.  Plus the juicer is a huge mess and I didn’t feel like cleaning up after it twice a day.  Tuesday night I had to go to a training meeting with Ryan’s company for the graduations I’ll be shooting this spring.  It’s at the University Center Club at FSU and there’s always yummy appetizers to munch on, so I sat and drank some hot tea while everyone else ate the yummy stuff.  That was probably the hardest part for me.  I’m a foodie!!

WEDNESDAY – I was so done with juicing at home.  Which is sad since I had only done it twice!  So Ryan drove me out to New Leaf Market which is a fabulous place with lots of locally grown veggies and a great deli with lots of nutritious goodies.  I reallllly wanted some spinach lasagna!  But, they DO also have a juice bar so it was nice to talk to the girl there and get her opinion on a new combo.  I discovered the celery was really making things taste yucky, so she whipped up a concoction of carrot, beet, swiss chard and lemon.  I was able to drink almost the entire 16 oz. glass – not too bad!  Then I went to buy some new veggies and try some more recipes in the book.  I was amazed at how helpful and knowledgeable everyone at New Leaf was – they all juice at home so they knew what tasted good!  Strange as it sounds, my favorite combo of the week (which I made at home that night) was cucumber, green apple, fennel (has this light licorice taste, yum), ginger root and fresh mint!  My tastebuds were so relieved to have something decent.

On this day we also took the bikes out to St. Marks trail and rode 8 miles.  This wasn’t the brightest of ideas.  I couldn’t have made it much more than 8,  I started to feel a little faint at the end!  Before the ride I drank a pre-juiced bottle called Berry Veggie Machine (from the brand “Naked”) that I got at New Leaf.  It tasted great because it had a bit of fruit in there.  The book said berries were ok in moderation, but I was still a little nervous to eat them.  I quickly got over caring because it tasted great.  🙂

THURSDAY – I woke up and hopped on the scale, and to my amazement I had lost 7 pounds!  In 3 days!!  That felt great and was just the push I needed to get me through the last day.  I had prepped 2 juices the night before and drank those for breakfast and a really late lunch.  Things were tasting a little better, but I avoided eating all together sometimes because I didn’t like the taste.  But surprisingly I never felt truly hungry.  It just goes to show what you can really survive on – I don’t think I can use the phrase “I’m starving” again!  I met my friend Jenn at Lake Ella and we walked our dogs for about 1.5 miles, then I came home, drank hot tea the rest of the night, and went to bed happy knowing I could eat something solid in the morning!

FRIDAY – I made it!  I woke up feeling more energized than normal, and headed straight to the kitchen for the half a green apple in the fridge.  I hadn’t CHEWED anything for 3 days!  You don’t realize how weird that is until you start chewing something after that time.  That apple was delicious, and I also just had a little bowl of butternut squash soup.  The other thing you forget to appreciate is having HOT food!  That hot soup tasted amazing!


I thought I’d write out a few things I learned during the week.  A lot of them are things I read in my book:

~ During your normal day life (not when you’re doing a fast), you shouldn’t combine carbs and protein in the same meal.  Your body can’t digest them both properly at the same time which usually leaves you with a tummy ache.  Kind of squashes the typical “steak and potatoes” mentality that we have.

~ If you decide to fast for more than a day, you need to slowly ease in and out of it.  Don’t have a “last supper” and gorge yourself before you start a fast.  Same rules for coming out of it.  (that’s why today I’m eating raw veggies, fruit, and soup)

~ 50-60% of your diet should be “raw” vegetables.  This seems kind of hard to me, but I do like a lot of raw stuff already.  A salad is a great example, and add cucumber, tomato, carrot, beet, anything else you can think of.  But skip the cheese and croutons, and dress it in oil and vinegar.  I’m going to have a HARD time with this one.  I looove dressing and sauces in large quantities which has probably attributed to my bad health over the years.  But I love balsamic vinegar, so I think I’ll just mix that with extra virgin olive oil and I should be fine.  It won’t have all the goodies that a vinaigrette does, but I’ll survive.

~ Dairy is not good for you.  I’m going to struggle with this one too.  We’ve been told all our lives that milk and milk products are good and provide calcium.  But they also cause phlegm to build up in your system which is not good at all.  As I thought of all the wonderful dairy products I enjoy I kind of had a heartache at the thought of giving it up.  I don’t think I’ll be able to do it completely, but will work on MODERATION.

~ The theory behind a juice fast is that it allows your body to release toxins since it’s not working on digesting whole foods.  Your body stores toxins in fat cells to keep them away from your internal organs, hence all the fat that builds up.  So while you’re juicing your body has the chance to expel all the yucky stuff it’s been storing, but it releases itself in ways that aren’t so pleasant.  For me (sorry if this is gross), I got a few lovely zits, a horrible ulcer in my mouth, heacaches and a nasty backache.  But at least I knew my body was working hard for me.

~ Those toxins are also the cause of cellulite and this is supposed to be a great way to break it up.  I can honestly say I noticed a difference in the tone and feel of my legs during this week.  Between the biking and juicing I feel stronger and less lumpy!

~ Yesterday a few people mentioned that my senses might be heightened.  I’m glad I didn’t hear that at the beginning because I may have subconsciously tricked myself.  But I thought back to the last few days and I had several times where my sense of smell was just overpowering everything else.  We walked into a burrito place and I almost felt like I had EATEN a burrito even though I was just smelling it.  We also sat on a back porch last night at a favorite place and a cigar club was meeting and puffing away.  That was less fun than the burritos.  🙂

So, I’m going to try to give myself a few rules to live by:

~ Stop combining carbs and animal protein at meals.  That means no more sandwiches, pasta with chicken, pork tenderloin on the grill with yellow rice, etc.  I’m going to make a list of good combos that I can do at home and at our favorite restaurants.  I don’t think I’ll feel deprived doing this, I just need to think ahead and choose two things I love to eat instead of the combination of 3.  I’m already plotting a trip to Hopkins Eatery for my favorite grilled portobello sandwich.  No animal protein in that!  (but that grilled portobello tastes like steak….yummo)

~ Limit my dairy intake

~ Eat a lot more raw veggies.  Salads, snacks, etc.  I looove grilled veggies too, but the nutrients start to cook out of them as they’re heated.  Oh well….I’ll still gonna eat a bunch of those too.  🙂

~ Exercise!

Let me know if you have any questions and hopefully I can answer them!  This was definitely an adventure I’m glad that I took.  I’ve got a lot of great things going on this year and a healthy lifestyle and body needs to be among them.  How many of you are going to give juicing a try?  Good luck!


  1. LIsa says

    Well, I don’t know if I’ll give it a try or maybe not right away. But it was so fun reading your adventure. It never would have crossed my mind the carb and protein in one meal because this is almost and always. I’ll have to be conscious of that. Lucky for me I was never a sauce and special dips kinda girl but I sure do love sweets. I think that is my biggest problem along with the dislike for exercise. Anywho… thanks for sharing. Loved reading about it!

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The BEST investment I made for our wedding day was definitely booking Kylene and Ryan Studios! It was such a blessing to have you both there to capture all of the PERFECT moments of that day. You all made us feel comfortable and relaxed in front of the lens and all around were pleasant to be around.


Kylene and Ryan are the worlds best photographers! Not only did I love every picture they took but they also were great to work with. I am not the greatest when it comes to taking pictures and knowing what I might like but they knew exactly what I wanted even when I didn’t. I would highly recommend them for every event.


They were the absolute best! So friendly, so fun and professional. The photos were amazing and they took the time to get some of the more ridiculous shots I requested. BONUS: they were amazing with our nephew. He is autistic. He was our ring-bearer and was having a difficult day, which isn’t unexpected for a day like that. Could not recommend enough.


Hands down, I would recommend Kylene & Ryan to anyone in a heartbeat. We used them for our engagement photos, a boudoir shoot for me, and our wedding photography. Every single time we saw their work, we were blown away. What first drew us to them was their beautiful work–but what also hooked us was how incredibly fun, sweet, professional, and hard-working they are.


Wow, what an incredible experience! It was such a joy working with this team. They had us laughing and enjoying every minute of our special day. And the pictures are STUNNING! They really went above and beyond to create unique and memorable moments we will cherish always.